vineri, 30 ianuarie 2009


Am primit leapsa de la Chris. Sa vedem , cum ar fi sa....

… sa fie o rosie pe fiecare scaun pe care te asezi?
O gluma din partea unui Jackson Pollock care a baut prea multa vodka.

… sa vezi un concert Bob Dylan?

… sa ai mereu ochii lui aproape?
Ca o supradoza de chill.Ciudat .Al dracu de ciudat.

… sa ai mereu tutun si niciodata foite?
Nasol moment. Substitui foitele .

… sa n-ai restante?

… sa bei pâna mori?
O chestie destul de desteapta daca te cheama Jim Morisson.

… sa faci plaja în Siberia?
Realitatea ce depaseste imaginatia.( dupa cum spunea domnul Fulea.)

… sa detii o alpaca? (o lama, animalul ala din Anzi) ?
I-as pune muzica de Bach.

… sa fii mexican?
As sabota SUA. Dar si nachos suna bine. Poate chiar in acelasi timp.

… sa cânti la vioara?
M-ar chema Svetlana si as fi blonda naturala.

… sa te cânte el?
Imposibil . Sau al dracu de usor.

joi, 29 ianuarie 2009

The guess who.

I am happy. Truly , madly , deeply. Beyond and without reason.

'Nd I love......

luni, 26 ianuarie 2009


I guess it takes to be the wrong persons at the right time , in order to overcome inner frontiers. I love the fact that I have friends that always help me....With them I'm a looser, very uncool and very profound ..... I still like playing, goofing around, settling free every childish emotion that I feel.
Striving to be perfect is tiring and deeply boring, and it doesn't make one a better person. I was very confused by the people I looked up to the most and deceived by the very world I had leaned on: a world where drugs , high fashion clothes, limos and expensive boozing was on the daily menu. That didn't make me either happy or unique , it just gave me a bitter taste of a surrealistic existence .

Andy Warhol: I wonder if people are going to remember us?
Edie Sedgwick: What, when we're dead?
Andy Warhol: Yeah.
Edie Sedgwick: Well I think people will talk about how you changed the world.
Andy Warhol: I wonder what they'll say about you... in your obituary. I like that word.
Edie Sedgwick: Nothing nice, I don't think.
Andy Warhol: No no, come on. They'd say, "Edith Minturn Sedgwick: beautiful artist and actress...
Edie Sedgwick: ...and all around loon.
Andy Warhol: ...Remembered for setting the world on fire...
Edie Sedgwick: ...and escaping the clutches of her terrifying family...
Andy Warhol: ...Made friends with eeeeverybody, and anybody...
Edie Sedgwick: ...creating chaos and uproar wherever she went. Divorced as many times as she married, she leaves only good wishes behind.

That's nice, isn't it?

joi, 22 ianuarie 2009

Is it you I'm looking for?

I'm still here , still standing, still ready to be blessed from above with a twist of luck. I know better than anyone that shit happens, but when shit occurs 5 days in a row , I should ring my inner alarm. I found only one plausible explanation : I look for happiness in the things I do not have access to or the ones that I do not afford. My dreams have grown to such a grotesque extent that I cannot meet my expectations anymore. Is it possible for a person to dream too much?
They say one is never given a dream without the power of achieving it; if so, where's that emotional strength that I need?
I put an end to my bad luck right now. Because I can.

The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.
Andy Warhol

marți, 6 ianuarie 2009

And we're a year older...

... but not necessarily wiser. I promised myself to stop partying , boozing, smoking, and those other activities that will most certainly bring me a one-way ticket to hell. I guess I am not as virtuous as i thought I was , but , hey, can't a girl have her fair share of fun? In fact, i love champagne, cigarettes, whiskey, just-for-funs and stuff like that but I do it my way. Our way. And one thing's for sure, we get wild like rockstars, we break rules and hearts, but we do it behind closed doors. That is class. And common sense. The worthiest replacement for wisdom.